Group defending Convention of States South Dakota defend their position

WATERTOWN, S.D.(KXLG)- We ran a story with Senator Lee Schoenbeck talking on the group Convention of States South Dakota and the group reached out to KXLG to clarify what they represent from their perspective.

We spoke with the Regional Director of Convention of States, David Schneider who gave an overview.

David expands on why they feel this is necessary.

There are changes they feel need to be made.

North Dakota adopted this just a few years ago and Nebraska a few weeks ago, with little opposition. Texas and Oklahoma can be added to the mix as well.

David recaps how it’s gone through the session.

“Senator Schoenbeck was the person that made the motion to essentially kill the resolution this year on the Senate side,” stated David

David had comments on Schoenbeck’s statements in our original article.

They have 17 states on board and would need 34 states to call a Convention.

Senator Schoenbeck made a statement in our interview, “If you are from South Dakota you’d have to have rocks in your head to like this.”

Convention of States project is a non-partisan group, so they do not claim Republican or Democrat parties, but they seem to receive more support from Republicans versus Democrats. At this time their opportunity in this year’s session is over.