PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On the final day of the regular run of the 2023 South Dakota legislative session. The South Dakota legislature passed HB1137 which will lower the sales tax from 4.5% down to 4.2% with a sunset date of June 30th, 2027.
On the House side, House Majority Leader Will Mortenson of Pierre talks about this being the largest tax cut in South Dakota history.
Audio PlayerRepresentative Chris Carr of Sioux Falls expressed the only concern about the bill which is the sunset clause.
Audio PlayerThe South Dakota House on a unanimous vote(70-0) voted in favor of the bill.
On the Senate side, the bill’s main sponsor was Senator Ryan Maher(Ma-her) of Isabel.
Audio PlayerThe only legislator in either chamber to speak in opposition to the bill was the Senate Minority Leader Reynold Nesiba of Sioux Falls.
Audio PlayerJust like Representative Carr in the House, Senator Tom Pischke of Dell Rapids also address concerns about the sunset clause.
Audio PlayerPischke did vote for the bill. The bill passed on a 31-2 vote with two excused.
The bill now heads to the Governor’s desk for her signature.