House Commerce & Energy Committee defeat HB1243(Extend deadline request to PUC to any party)

PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota House & Energy Committee on Monday heard arguments about HB1243.  The bill would extend deadlines for action by the Public Utilities Commission upon the request of any party.

Prime sponsor of the bill was Representative Karla Lems of Canton.

Jeremiah Murphy, lobbyist for Landowners for Eminent Domain Reform want to level the playing field.

South Dakota Farmers Union’s Mitch Richter believes this is a fair bill.

Among those opposing this bill was Steve Willard, Executive Director of the South Dakota Industrial Electric Utility Companies.

Lawyer Brett Koenecke explain his opposition to the bill.

Representative Lems rebute the claims by those opposing this bill.

The committee voted to place it on the 41st day effectively defeating the bill on a 8-5 vote.