House Education Committee passes SB51(Ten Commandments bill)

PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota House Committee on Friday heard testimony on SB51.  The bill require the display and curricular inclusion of the Ten Commandments and other documents.

Prime sponsor of the bill was Senator John Carley of Piedmont who explains the Ten Commandments have been in public schools in the pass.

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Carley told the committee that among those in support of the bill is South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley.

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Executive Director for the South Dakota ACLU, Samantha Chapman opposed the bill and feels the bill itself is unconstitutional.

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Chapman believes students of all faiths should be welcome at schools.

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House Education Committee Lana Greenfield of Doland express frustration with lack of respect toward public schools.

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The bill passed the committee on a 8-7 vote.