Legislators representating District 1, 3, & 23 discuss their agendas

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- This Saturday was the first of the three cracker barrels scheduled by the Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce.  Legislators from District 1, 3, & 23 were all invited to attend.  The only one that didn’t appear was District 1 Representative Joe Donnell of Sisseton.

Prior to taking questions, each legislator provided an update on what’s they been doing so far in Pierre.

District 1:

Senator Michael Rohl has so far submitted 13 bills for consideration in his chamber.  One bill he addressed was a House bill dealing with school counselors.

Representative Tamara St. John of Sisseton talked about a bill she was working on dealing with stalking.

District 3:

Senator Al Novstrup provide an update on the issue of Medicare supplements.

Representative Carl Perry talk about bills he was working on including one that was withdrawn but for a very good reason.

Representative Brandei Schaefbauer talk about a busy session so far for the Health & Human Service Committee that she serves on.

District 23:

Senator Bryan Breitling of Miller is the only legislator that serves on Appropriation Committees.  He address bills they’re working on based on Governor Noem’s budget address.

Breitling also address the bill dealing with getting rid of the sunset clause for the sales tax decrease passed last year.

Representative Scott Moore of Ipswich address what the House Education Committee has been doing.

Representative J.D. Wangsness of Miller address agriculture issues.

The next cracker barrel is scheduled for Saturday, February 10th.