Legislators spoke to high school students at Aberdeen Christian Friday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Friday, legislators representing District 1(Representative Logan Manhart) & from District 3(Representative Al Novstrup & Senator Carl Perry) spoke to students at Aberdeen Christian High School.  Questions received for this one dealt more with social issues.

District 1 Representative Logan Manhart:

Manhart recapped the bills that was debated and defeated in his committee(House Education Committee) dealing with school choice.

Manhart talks about what he expects from President Trump’s administration.

Manhart talked about his bill dealing with what counselors should inform the parents(HB1201).

Representative Al Novstrup:

Representative Novstrup expressed his view on when voting should be taking place in South Dakota.

Novstrup talks money spent for the disabled.

Novstrup talks about one of his main goals as a legislator in the state of South Dakota.

District 3 Senator Carl Perry:

Senator Carl Perry again talked about whether the Ten Commandments should be in public schools.

Perry was asked how the U.S. should handle the border crisis.

Perry discuss the issue of the 2nd Amendment dealing with the right to bear arms.