Medical marijuana measure pushed back to 2022

PIERRE, S.D.(KJJQ)- South Dakota legislative leaders say they plan to implement a medical
marijuana program, but it’s going to take time.

In a joint press release issued early Wednesday, Governor Kristi Noem
announced she and leaders in both chambers plan to implement Initiated
Measure 26 but they need additional time to do so safety and correctly.

House Bill 1100 has been amended to be the vehicle for medical
marijuana. The new language of the bill establishes the extended timeline.

The bill had it’s first, albeit brief, hearing in House State Affairs
Wednesday morning. Speaker of the House, Spencer Gosch.

The committee amended the bill, the deferred action to a later date.

Governor’s spokesman Ian Fury told the South Dakota Broadcasters
Association, “We do have concerns with portions of IM26 as currently
written. The interim committee will work through those and recommend

Medical marijuana was approved by 70-percent of South Dakota voters last