PIERRE, S.D.(SDBA)- South Dakota lawmakers voted today (Tuesday) on rules about who can use medical marijuana as medicine.
A House committee blocked a plan to end the state’s medical marijuana program but approved new rules about who can say they need it.
The Health and Human Services Committee voted 7-6 against a bill that would have stopped the medical marijuana program.
But they voted 9-4 to pass a different bill that says patients must have a special card to use marijuana as a defense in court.
Republican Rep. Travis Ismay from Newell, who wrote both bills, says he wants to protect kids.
Republican Rep. Les Heinemann from Flandreau was worried about how potent marijuana can be.
But Republican Rep. Taylor Rehfeldt from Sioux Falls thinks these bills try to hurt the medical marijuana program.
Jeremiah Murphy, who lobbies for marijuana businesses, says the current law helps very sick people.
South Dakota voters approved medical marijuana in 2020, with 70% saying yes.
About 11,000 people now have cards letting them use marijuana as medicine.
The bill requiring medical cards now goes to the full House for a vote.