Money for housing should be handed out in August

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- The money should begin to flow by August.
That’s the hope of state officials for $200-million dollars approved by the Legislature and Governor Noem this year.

The money will be used for infrastructure, to encourage housing development.

State Senate Majority Leader Casey Crabtree of Madison says everyone wanted to money sooner, but the wait will be over soon.

New rules were just approved for the program, and the application process will open soon.

South Dakota needs more workers…and to get more workers, it needs more housing.

That’s why the legislature and governor approved a $200-million dollar housing infrastructure plan this year.

The plan has taken longer to roll out than planned, but Crabtree says in the end, it will be worth it.

The state housing authority will begin taking applications for the program within a few weeks.