Board members unloaded on the Legislature this week, saying they were disappointed and frustrated by bills they felt targeted education.
Sioux Falls Representative Bethany Soye says this year’s tight budget was a big adjustment for everyone.
School Board members were also critical of bills dealing with harmful materials in school and public libraries, and the so-called bathroom bill prohibiting transgender people from using private areas aligned with gender identity.
Board President Carly Ritter says a number of bills attacked education in this year’s session.
Ritter was critical of a bill prohibiting transgender people from using private areas aligned with gender identity…and another measure to hold school and public libraries accountable for material that’s harmful to minors.
That bill was sponsored by Sioux Falls Representative Bethany Soye.
A tight budget also trimmed the state aid to education increase to just 1.25% this year…less than half of what was expected.