National Ag Week from Tuesday, March 21st through Monday March 27th

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release) – This year marks the 50th year of National Ag Day and the Aberdeen Chamber’s Ag Committee is asking local businesses and individuals to help celebrate. National Ag Day is Tuesday, March 21 and National Ag Week is March 21-27.

Here is how you can get involved:

  • Appreciation & Impact Videos – Create a short video thanking ag producers or explaining how local agriculture has a positive impact on your business. Post it to social media using #AgDay23, #NationalAgWeek and @AberdeenAreaChamberofCommerce.
  • Marquee Messages – Display a message on your static or electronic marquee from March 20 through March 31. Go online to for a list of prepared messages or create your own.
  • Window Decorating Contest – Use paint, paper or whatever you can think of to say thank you to our local ag producers. There will be a contest judged by US Senator John Thune and US Representative Dusty Johnson.
  • Use the Ag Day Toolkit – Go to to get ideas for social media posts, events and more.

In addition, the Chamber’s Ag Committee will be posting ag facts videos on the Chamber’s social media channels, handing out window clings stating “I Support Local Agriculture” and doing Facebook Live videos that week. Mayor Travis Schaunaman made the proclamation at Monday’s city council meeting.

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The Aberdeen Central FFA students will be painting business windows with messages supporting Ag Week.

More information can be found online at and For assistance, contact Lisa Anderson at the Chamber at 605-225-2860 or