ABERDEEN, S.D. (WNAX) – AGP’s new $300 million soy processing facility was dedicated yesterday in Aberdeen. AGP Chief Executive Officer Keith Spackler says the plant will crush soybeans in about a 100-mile radius around Aberdeen.
Audio PlayerSpackler says the plant will also provide new export opportunities for soy products in the Pacific Rim, to make up for lost market share in China.
Audio PlayerSouth Dakota Governor Kristi Noem says the state is excited about the economic development the plant represents and how it will enhance national and food security.
Audio PlayerClaremont, South Dakota soybean farmer Mike McCranie says he has already delivered soybeans to the facility, which will start crushing in a few days. He’s excited about what it will mean for improved soybean prices.
Audio PlayerMcCranie says he is also optimistic about the livestock development the AGP plant will attract to the area and even the possibility of a biodiesel plant in the future.