Petitioner for Open Primaries amendment coming to Aberdeen

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- One of the amendments that could be considered in the 2024 November elections is the Open Primaries amendment.  Proponent and Treasurer of the Open Primaries Amendment group De Knudson is scheduled to arrive in Aberdeen Wednesday looking to gather signatures to turn in the Secretary of State’s Office to place it on the ballot.

Knudson talks about the reason for this amendment.

Knudson explains what the amendment does.

Among those not supporting the amendment is the chair of the South Dakota Republicans, Senator John Wiik.  Wiik believes that those registered Independent should figure out which party to join based on their beliefs.  Independents should have no factor in the primaries.  Knudson presents a counterpoint to that.

Knudson discuss how this will impact third parties in the state.

Knudson talks about where she will be at in Aberdeen over the next few days.

The deadline to turn in signatures to the Secretary of State’s Office is May 7th.  There needs to be 35,017 valid signatures to appear on the 2024 November ballot.