President Biden’s border policies impact on the farm industry

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- An emergency measure on the southern border is creating big problems for farm exports.

The Biden Administration closed rail traffic at Eagle Pass and El Paso, Texas.

Ryan Sauer of the Iowa Corn Growers Association says that’s having an immediate impact on this region’s farmers.

Farm state leaders are pressing the Administration to secure the border and get the railways back open.

Stopping train traffic may cut the number of migrants making it into the U-S…but it’s creating big problems in farm country.

Farm state leaders say the action punishes farmers by cutting them off from one of their largest customers.

Sauer says it’s also causing pain in Mexico.

Sauer of the Iowa Corn Growers Association says two-thirds of U-S farm goods go to Mexico via rail…and there aren’t any good alternatives.

Sauer says Mexican livestock producers are already running short on feed because of the rail interruption.

He says grain commodity prices will suffer before long.