President of the Voter Defense Authorization of South Dakota discuss veto of HB1169

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Earlier this week, Governor Larry Rhoden vetoed HB1169.  The bill modify the signature requirement for a petition to initiate a constitutional amendment. Among the groups that was opposed to the bill and was pleased with the Governor’s veto was the Voter Defense Association of South Dakota.

The president of the group is Matthew Schweich and he explained one of the reasons why the group was opposed.

Schwiech discuss concerns about how votes are tallied aren’t based on districts but by counties.

Concerns expressed by those in favor is the amount of signatures that could be gathered in the largest cities, Sioux Falls & Rapid City.  According to, the population in 2025 in South Dakota was over 933,000 with over 290,000 coming from Minnehaha & Lincoln Counties.  Schweich was asked about signatures gathered in Aberdeen(Brown County) for IM27 dealing with recreational marijuana.  The bill only deals in constitutional amendments.  We used this as an example of concerns that were addressed.

Schweich did acknowledge that the majority of signatures did come from the Sioux Falls market, but also acknowledged that even if that was the case, in the end the people of South Dakota would have the final say.

Among those opposing the bill was Senator Michael Rohl of Aberdeen.  Rohl did put an amendment to the bill to reduce the number of districts needed from 35 down to 18(simple majority), Schweich said the group would have still opposed the bill.

Schweich place no blame on the Secretary of State’s Office for how the votes are posted.

Veto Day is coming up on Monday.  The chambers needs a 2/3 majority to override Governor Rhoden’s veto.  The SD House voted 63-6.  The SD Senate voted 19-15 in favor of HB1169.