Preview of Walk to End Alzheimer’s coming up on Saturday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Walk to End Alzheimer’s is coming up this Saturday at the Strode Activities Center Athletic Field.  Executive Director of the South Dakota Alzheimer’s Association, Leslie Morrow provided a preview.

Before doing that we got update on the latest developments dealing with the disease starting with a new drug that was recently approved by the Food & Drug Administration.

Morrow also update on bills making its way through the U.S. Congress. She talks about NAPA Re-authorization Act.

Morrow talks about another bill, the Alzheimer’s Accountability & Investment Act.

Morrow discuss when the right time to starting checking your mental health.

Morrow talks about the support group addressing Alzheimer’s here in Aberdeen.

The group meet every first Tuesday of each month from 6;30-7;30pm at New Fellowship Church.

Coming on Friday is a forum that Director Michelle Kutner will conduct dealing with how to communicate with someone that has Alzheimer’s.  Here’s Leslie Morrow:

That will take place at 9am at the Aberdeen Senior Center.

On Saturday is the walk itself and it will take place at Strode Center Activities Complex.  This is the first year they are doing it there.  Morrow explain why they chose that location.

Pinwheel flowers are being used for this event.  Morrow discuss what each flower color stands for.

This is also a fundraising event for the association.  They hope to raise $48,000.  Morrow explains what the funds are used for.

Registration begins at 9am with the walk itself starting at 10am.

You can learn about this and register in advance at