Pros and cons of Amendment H

HURON, S.D.(KOKK)- There are seven measures on the general election ballot for November 5th.  Amendment H is the open primary amendment that would have an impact on the primary votes.  If approved Amendment H would put all candidates regardless of party affiliation on the same ballot.  Voters would get the same ballot no matter what party affiliation they have and the top two vote getters would advance to the November general election.  Joe Kirby with Yes on H said this measure is unique as heads of both major parties have voiced opposition to Amendment H.

The head of No on Amendment H, Ezra Hayes stated he doesn’t go along with the idea of open primaries being about a fairness issue.

Joe Kirby wished to clarify the purpose of Amendment H.

Kirby said if passed Amendment H would protect the rights of voters.

Absentee voting available through November 4th.