Rapid City Area Schools hoping to keep students in classrooms

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – With over 15 percent of students quarantining following the explosion of Covid-19 cases coming out of the Pierre school district, school systems statewide are considering their plans for attacking Covid-19 outbreaks.

Rapid City Area Schools Public Information Manager Katy Urban said she hopes local schools are able to stay in session longer with current measures in place.

The district is using a system of three levels to assess the virus situation. Level one is four days a week, level two, where the district is at currently, of operation at 50 percent capacity with students alternating based on alphabetical order, and level three is complete remote learning.

Urban said the school is prepared to go up to level three if the situation calls for it.

Urban described the mood of the town as “divided” when describing responses to levels.