RAPID CITY, S.D.(KOTA)- The murder of 82 year-old Reta McGovern via cut to the throat on Feb. 10th sent shockwaves through the generally quiet neighborhood she lived in.
The crime and circumstances surrounding it have been deemed “unusual”, and likely not a random act of violence by Rapid City Police, says Brendyn Medina, community relations specialist for RCPD, who said the case has become a top priority.
Audio PlayerDetails about the case became public this week, Medina said, because the investigation remains active.
Audio PlayerAs the investigation continues, Medina said Rapid City residents need to take precautions in their homes.
Audio PlayerAuthorities ask the public living in the neighborhoods between West Boulevard and Fifth Street to review surveillance footage for the night and morning of Feb. 10 and to contact RCPD if any suspicious people on foot are seen.