RAPID CITY, S.D. (KBHB) — The Rapid City Council’s Public Works committee had talks about whether to spend money on scheduled street repair and maintenance projects, or revise all spending due to the uncertainty of future city revenues. Ward Two alderman Bill Evans called a number of projects into question, and said there needed to be a hold on spending because of the pandemic.
Evans questioned a roof replacement project for the Police Evidence Building over choice of materials, and he questioned a half-million-dollars in spending on street renovation projects for 5th street and Tower Road. Aldermen on the committee gave initial approval to those projects, and will take further action on Monday night at the full City Council meeting.
According to Evans, the city also has to take care not to put extra economic hardship on city residents.
Evans says the city can spend now, but has no future assurances of incoming revenues being able to keep pace.
Rapid City Council’s Legal and Finance Committee will consider a resolution which raises the cost of a number of fees for services and permits. Under the plan, there would be increases in city parking fees, electrical construction permits fees, fire-department business monitoring and inspection fees among others, to offset some revenue shortfalls attributed to the corona virus pandemic.