Recap of Landowners’ Meeting in Leola Monday

LEOLA, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Monday, landowners from across the northeast held a meeting outside the Leola Courthouse addressing the CO2 pipeline from Summit Carbon Solutions.  Several legislators from across South Dakota also attended the gathering.

Landowner Mark Lapka of McPherson County talks about why the meeting took place.

Landowner Ed Fischbach from Spink County wants to know where Summit is getting the money from for the easements.

District 16 Representative Karla Lems was the prime sponsor of HB1133 that passed the House but failed a SD Senate Committee.  Lems talks about what’s happening is constitutional.

Lems talks about what Summit is doing is wrong for the landowners.

District 25 Representative Jon Hansen calls out members of his own party for not offering more support to landowners.

District 18 Representative Julie Auch talks about President Biden executive order that she convinced members of her county commission to be opposed.

District 31 Representative Scott Odenbach questions how conservatives can be in support of parts of the Green New Deal.

District 3 Representative Brandei Schaefbauer is concern that if this could happen to landowners, that this could lead to the same thing happening in the cities.

One group that the meeting didn’t focus on pressuring was the members of the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission.  Representative Auch tries to explain why.

The PUC will have a hearing with Summit Carbon Solutions coming up in September.