Recap of Q&A portion of the cracker barrel held Saturday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Aberdeen Chamber of Commerce held their first cracker barrel session on Saturday.  Legislators from Districts 1, 3, & 23 fielded questions asked by citizens in the region.

One person asked about SB53 which deals with appropriations for water & wasterwater projects.  District 23 Senator Bryan Breitling address the issue of COVID-19 funds.

District 3 Senator Al Novstrup of Aberdeen talks about an agreement reached involving the northeast regions.

Another individual asked about the Senate Resolution that deals with workforce requirements for Medicaid expansion.  This could be voted on in the November elections.  Senator Novstrup explains the resolution.

Legislators were asked about HB1042 that dealt with funding for school lunches.  District 23 Representative Scott Moore talked about his stance as the bill didn’t pass the House Education committee he was on.

He did vote in favor of the the bill as it stood in that committee.

Another legislator that was in favor of it but didn’t get a chance to vote on it was District 1 Representative Tamara St. John.

Senator Michael Rohl of Aberdeen was asked about SB89 dealing with vacating at will locations.

Another voter asked about the Confederation of States and whether that will be addressed.  District 23 Representative J.D. Wangsness of Miller talks about his experience dealing with this in Virginia.

A voter asked whether the state should return some of the federal funds back to the government.  District 3 Representative Carl Perry of Aberdeen was opposed and explained why.

Next cracker barrel is scheduled for Saturday, February, 10th.