Recap of SB201 Forum held in Leola Thursday

LEOLA, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Candidates looking to represent District 23 held a forum Thursday night in Leola.  One of the main focus was on SB201 which dealt with the issue of local control.  Legislators representing District 23 in favor of SB201, Senator Bryan Breitling & Representative J.D. Wangsness of Miller were not present to explain their votes in favor of the bill.

Wangsness was at the candidate forum on Saturday in Aberdeen and talked about his support of SB201.

Wangsness talks about his record defending property rights.

Wangsness discuss why eminent domain bills have failed at the South Dakota Legislature.

Wangsness talks about why he is opposed to the referendum to repeal SB201.

Candidates for District 23 House, Representative Scott Moore of Ipswich & Spencer Gosch of Glenham as well as candidates for District 23 Senate, Mark Lapka of Leola & Steve Roseland of Seneca all expressed opposition to the bill.

Among the Landowners Bill of Right was the topic of depth the pipelines are suppose to go.  Each candidate offered their takes on that.

Scott Moore:

Spencer Gosch:

Steve Roseland:

Mark Lapka:

All the candidates address the key issue which is local control regarding the pipelines.

Scott Moore:

Spencer Gosch:

Steve Roseland:

Mark Lapka:

The candidates also address what they believe the role of the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission could be going forward with the passage of SB201.

Scott Moore:

Spencer Gosch:

Steve Roseland:

Mark Lapka:

There is a candidate forum for District 23 to address other topics in Aberdeen coming up on Saturday from 10:30am-12pm at the K.O.Lee Library.