Recounts don’t change results in Codington County

WATERTOWN, S.D.(KXLG)- Codington County Auditor Brenda Hanten has confirmed that the primary election results remain unchanged after a series of recounts. The announcement was made during a meeting with the Codington County Commissioners this morning.

Three recounts have been conducted so far, covering the positions of County Commissioner. Tyler McElhaney will move on to the general County Commissioner election and won the election by six votes over the incumbent, Charlie Waterman. The state’s Attorney consists of the incumbent Rebecca Morlock Reeves and challenger Alison Bakken, currently listed as the winner and confirmed, and District 4 Senate with the confirmed winner of Stephanie Sauder over Fred Deutsch. According to Hanten, none of these recounts have resulted in any changes to the initial outcomes.

The final recount, scheduled for Thursday morning, will focus on the District 5 State Representative race of the current winners, Josephine Garcia and Matt Roby, over the incumbent Byron Callies, marking the completion of all recounts for the primary election in Codington County.