Representative-elect Al Novstrup comments following Governor Noem’s budget address

PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Governor Kristi Noem delivered her annual budget address to the South Dakota Legislature.

Representative-elect Al Novstrup will be on the Appropriations Committee for the 100th legislative session and shared the following statement after her speech:

“The governor’s budget allocated $13 million to finish improvement to the Richmond Lake Dam.  For safety reasons this is important for those living downstream from the dam including the city of Aberdeen.  State income is lower than expected thus it is likely the budget will be tight.  State employees, education, and medical providers are projected by the Governor to get a modest 1.25% increase.  Due to unclaimed property increasing dramatically and from prior legislatures setting aside money for the construction of a new prison south of Sioux Falls bonds will not be needed thus saving interest cost.  The Governor also spoke in favor keeping the state sales tax at 4.2%.  The final budget will be adopted in March thus conditions can change as can the Governor’s budget.”