SD Alzheimer’s Association held seminar in Aberdeen Friday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota Alzheimer’s Association performed a seminar Friday at the Aberdeen Senior Center.  The topic for the seminar was conversations dealing with early stages of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Program Director Michelle Kutner discuss when is the best time to address this.

Kutner inform the public that most time, these topics don’t get address until a crisis takes place.

Kutner talks about the importance of taking down notes to use going forward.

Kutner discuss how someone should address this to someone possibly dealing with cognitive issues.

Kutner address three main topics during her presentation.  The first dealt with when is the right time to see a doctor when symptoms start to appear.

Kutner talks about a test that can be done to check into that.

Kutner next discuss the issue of driving and she expressed those who may lose that chance to feel independent.

Kutner discussed if diagnosed, this could impact the ability to drive on the roads.

Kutner also addressed legal and financial plans if it is detected.

Kutner believes it’s important to get plans in place financially once dementia or Alzhemier’s is diagnosed.

They also encouraged to get a power of attorney and/or will be done as well.