SD House State Affairs Committee passes bill to limit liability from COVID-19 lawsuits

PIERRE, S.D.(KJJQ)- The House State Affairs Committee of the South Dakota Legislature passes a bill (HB 1046) intended to limit the liability from lawsuits stemming from the pandemic.

Nathan Sanderson, Executive Director of the South Dakota Retailers Association, spoke in support. He says it’s designed to prevent frivolous lawsuits

Also speaking in support of the bill were lobbyists on behalf of the state’s schools, health care facilities and industry. More than 40 groups support the measure.

Kooper Carroway is President of the South Dakota Federation of Labor. He spoke in opposition, saying multinational corporations do not need a shield

The South Dakota Education Association, representing teachers, also opposed the bill. They’re afraid passage will allow school districts to relax protective measures before the pandemic ends.

Sanderson says this is a very reasonable bill

The measure passed 12-1 and now moves to the House floor.