SD Legislators to return Monday(Veto Day) to address Fairness in Women in Sports

PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- South Dakota lawmakers return to Pierre Monday for the final day of the 2021 session.

They will have to consider the style and form veto Governor Kristi Noem issued for HB1217, the trans gender, women in sports bill.

House Majority Leader Kent Peterson of Salem says there are differences of opinion on the Governor’s action.

Peterson says legislators have some options.

Peterson says the Governor has changed the intent of the bill with her focus now on “Title 9” protections.

Noem called the bill as written, a “participation trophy” that probably would not withstand a court challenge.

Representative Mike Stevens of Yankton says the Governors actions go beyond minor corrections.

Stevens says they have some options.

Stevens, a republican, voted no on final passage of the bill.

Opponents of the bill have called it discriminatory and the target of legal action.