SD Senate Judiciary Committee kill the open fields doctine bill

PIERRE, S.D.(KJJQ)- The Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday unanimously kills a bill that would have changed the open fields doctrine in South Dakota.

U.S. law holds that Game, Fish and Parks Administration conservation officers can go onto private land without permission. House Bill 1140 would require landowner permission in most cases.

The measure was supported by Governor Kristi Noem and Mark Miller, the Governor’s General Counsel, testified in favor.

Opponents of the measure, including Paul Lepisto of the Izaak Walton league, say the bill would effectively end compliance checks on private land.

Committee Chair Art Rusch of Vermillion says the bill protects poachers more than landowners.

The bill had earlier passed in the House on a 41-28 vote. It was killed Tuesday on a 7-0 vote.