Senator Jean Hunhoff reflect following her loss in the primary

YANKTON, S.D.(KELO)- Low turnout and a move to the political right is producing a number of significant changes in the makeup of next year’s legisature.

Several prominent long-time incumbents have lost primary elections…including Republican Senator Jean Hunhoff of Yankton.

She has served 24 years in the legislature and chairs the Appropriations Committee.

There are no guarantees in any election.

Hunhoff was among a number of incumbents who were ousted by conservative challengers.

Another major factor, Senate Bill 201…the so-called “Landowner Bill of Rights” that stripped local government control, and transferred it to the state Public Utilities Commission.

Senator Hunhoff co-chairs the Legislature’s Appropriations Committee…which is losing several other members heading into next year’s legislative session.

In addition to low turnout, Hunhoff says voters appear to want to see some change in the Legislature.