Senator John Thune comment on President Biden’s proposal to reform the U.S. Supreme Court

WASHINGTON, D.C.(KMIT)- President Biden proposed that the Congress enact an ethical Code of Conduct for the Supreme Court as well as pass along to the states a constitutional amendment limiting Supreme Court Justices to 18-year terms.

A You Gov poll found 67% of Americans are in favor of term limits for Supreme Court Justices, including 89% of Democrats and 56% of Republicans.  Senator John Thune sees things differently:

Thune says that even if these reforms came with the best of intentions, which he believes they do not, it wouldn’t stop there, and the Court would be “reformed” out of all recognition.

A recommendation to the states of a constitutional amendment takes two-thirds of both houses of Congress and a successful amendment requires ratification by three-fourths of the states.  It seems unlikely this suggested reform has any possibility of becoming a reality.