Senator Thune provides update on Farm Bill, NDAA, and the border crises

ABERDEEN, S.D. (Hub City Radio)

Senator John Thune made an appearance at the 81st annual Boys State conference on Wednesday morning.

Senator Thune commended the great work that the Boys State program does.

Senator Thune provided an update on where the Senate is at with the Farm Bill.

Senator Thune discusses the southern border crises and the power the president has to regain control of the southern border.

Senator Thune explains what the Senate is doing with the NDAA.

On a more light-hearted note, Senator Thune shares his experience at the USS Pierre christening down in Mobile, AL.

Lastly, Senator Thune expresses his gratitude for all the people involved in making Boys State a reality here in Aberdeen.

Below is the full interview with Senator John Thune if anyone would like to listen to the interview in its entirety.