ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Coming up this Saturday here in Aberdeen is Sizzlin’ Summer Nights taking place in downtown Aberdeeen.
Aberdeen Downtown Association’s Executive Director, Alexa Sheldon previews what’s happening on Saturday.
She starts off by talking about the Strider Cup beginning at 12pm. In previous years it started at 10am. Sheldon explains the later start.
Audio PlayerSheldon details where the event will take place.
Audio PlayerReserved parking for car show will begin at 2:30pm. There is change in that, Sheldon explains that.
Audio PlayerSheldon preview the show that begins at 4pm.
Audio PlayerSheldon talks about when Main Street will be closed for traffic during this event.
Audio PlayerSheldon talks about the impact that events like this has to downtown Aberdeen.
Audio PlayerYou can learn more about this at www.aberdeendowntown.org.