PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- History enthusiasts are gathering in Pierre this weekend for the annual South Dakota Historical Society Conference.
Member Relations Program Manager and Communications Director Kevin Larsen says this year’s theme is “Great Faces – Great Places, History Makers in South Dakota.”
Larsen says registration is open to anyone.
Friday evening’s social will focus on the history of the American Legion. South Dakota native and notable American Author Joseph Bottum will address attendees at the Saturday luncheon. (His books include “An Anxious Age” and “The Christmas Plains.”)
Sessions focus on some of South Dakota’s most influential people of the past, including: Casey Tibbs, Mattie Newcombe, Oscar Micheaux, Women Suffragists, Deadwood Chinatown, Oscar Howe, Ben Reifel and Gertrude Simmons Bonnin. History-related vendors will sell books, souvenirs and items of interest to attendees. The will also provide information about opportunities to experience heritage tourism and history education.
To learn more, visit sdhsf.org/historyconference/. You can register online and you can also register at the event itself.