Speaker Bartels address ballot initiative dealing with repeal of sales tax on groceries

WATERTOWN, S.D.(Press Release)- What is the definition of consume? According to the dictionary, it means: “eat, drink, ingest (food or drink) – buy (goods or services) – use up (a resource). According to SD Representative Hugh Bartels of Watertown, SD, that is part of what needs to be defined.

Although SJR510 was defeated in the Legislature, a ballot initiative is being circulated that would repeal the sales tax on groceries. If enough signatures are collected, South Dakotans can vote on this issue in November.

Representative Bartels was in KXLG studios this morning to discuss more.

Republican Sen. John Wiik cited last session’s food tax battle, saying, “I have no desire to spend another session trying to push a rope up a hill. This Legislature passed record tax relief last year, and I have no desire to roll that tax rate back up,” Wiik told the Senate.

Representative Bartel says this ballot initiative would have a significant impact.

Representative Bartels talks about going through the process.

KXLG News asked Representative Bartels if it needs to be reported the bill is changed before it’s submitted.

Democratic Senate Minority Leader Reynold Nesiba proposed a November 2024 ballot measure for voters to lower the food tax to zero and to repeal a four-year sales tax cut passed last year.

Representative Bartels said, “It was checked, but that was the subtle. Well, it was more than a subtle change; it was a big change in the language.