Spink County landowner Ed Fischbach talks about his opposition to Referred Law 21

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Monday night at the Ramkota Hotel Convention Center, there was an informative session focusing on the opposition of Referred Law 21 to be voted on coming up in November.

Spink County landowner Ed Fischbach provided history of how this came about. He started by talking about how counties setup their setbacks.

Fischbach next talked about reactions of Summit Carbon Solutions after the setbacks were in place.

Fischbach talked about what Summit did after the South Dakota Public Utilities Commission denied their permits in 2023.

After the South Dakota legislature passed SB201, petitions were gathered to place the bill on the ballot.  Fischbach announced what the South Dakota Supreme Court did about two weeks ago about whether CO2 is a commodity.

Referred Law 21 will be voted on by the citizens in the November elections.