Sponsor of petition drive for landowner rights comments on it

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- A group of South Dakota lawmakers is calling for a special session of the South Dakota Legislature.

They want the chance to make their case about protecting landowner rights related to Carbon Capture pipelines.

Petition Drive co-sponsor, Representative Karla Lems of Canton, says it all started with a recent landowner rally at the capitol in Pierre.

So far they don’t appear to have enough legislative support to call the gathering…and Governor Noem says that makes it a futile effort.

Lems says it’s important to try despite the odds.

They don’t appear to have the two-thirds majority needed in both chambers to call a session.

That leaves Governor Noem as their only hope to call it.

Lems wants lawmakers to take another look at a bill to protect landowner rights.

Lems of Canton says they’re looking to Governor Noem.
The Public Utilities Commission holds hearings on one of the pipelines next week.