Stockgrowers ID Chair on USDA FSIS backing off rule requiring mandatory RFID

WASHINGTON, D.C.(WNAX)- The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced a full rule making process to make any changes governing animal identification and traceability. South Dakota Stockgrowers Association ID Chair Kenny Fox, says it’s a win for cattle ranchers in that USDA has now paused in its attempt to mandate radio frequency identification tags.

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He says there’s no evidence that RFID tags work and most ranchers are opposed to it anyway.

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Fox says their battle against USDA isn’t over as he thinks they’ll still try to push through mandatory RFID tags following the next public comment period. He encourages ranchers to make sure and comment when they get the opportunity.

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The Administrative Procedures Act requires the USDA to go through a formal public comment period before any id changes are made to the 2013 rule.