Summit Carbon Solutions present their presentation to the public at PUC forum Friday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission held a public forum Friday in Aberdeen discussing Summit Carbon Solutions’ CO2 pipeline request.

Commissioner Gary Hanson discuss what the request is.

Members from Summit did their presentation to the public attending the forum.

Summit’s Ag Relations Manager J.D. Myers describes the project that is being done.

Myers discuss the benefits for the ethanol industry.

Myers talks about why the process needs to be done.

Myers project how much of a financial benefit this would have for South Dakota.

Director of Engineering for Summit, Alex Lange details how the routes submitted to the PUC came about.

Lange informs the public about the easement process for landowners.

Lange also discuss compensation for crop damage if caused by the pipeline.

Director of Safety for Summit, Dave Daum talksa bout the CO2 sequestration has been occuring since the 1970s.

Daum explains the pipeline will follow the process determined by PHMSA.

Daum breaks it down by stages starting with the design phase.

Daum moves on to the construction phase.

Daum discuss the operational phase.

Daum also talks about what they plan to do aid emergency personnel.

The PUC has until November to determine whether they will approve the request made by Summit Carbon Solutions.