HURON, S.D.(Press Release)- Summit Carbon Solutions has violated farmers’ landowner rights.
The company attempting to build a CO2 pipeline across the state is suing more than 80 South Dakota farmers who do not want the company and its pipeline on their land.
South Dakota Farmers Union members addressed the importance of landowner rights decades ago in their policy. It still stands as a major issue for today’s members. Our policy strongly supports farmers’ control and use of their own land. News of Summit Carbon Solutions suing 80 South Dakota farmers claiming eminent domain with more to come strikes a nerve at South Dakota Farmers Union.
During the 2023 Legislative Session Farmers Union joined with others to support HB1133. This is a House Bill which would have protected landowners from Summit Carbon Solutions. Unfortunately, the majority of state legislators did not support landowners. The bill failed.
Once again, South Dakota Farmers Union calls on state legislators and our Congressional leaders to not allow misuse of eminent domain laws. No private company should be allowed to rob family farmers of their land rights. If this is allowed what is next?
Summit Carbon Solutions has shown its true colors and it is no friend to farmers or landowners – period.
Summit Carbon Solutions is a privately held company with millions to lose if they are not able to complete their plans for this CO2 pipeline. They claim eminent domain with the excuse that this pipeline will benefit the public.
The facts are Summit Carbon Solutions in many cases has not dealt fairly in valuing the land or the farmers on an individual case by case bases. Nor have they been up front with them when discussing specifics of safety.
Pipelines can and do leak. And because the CO2 is converted to a liquid when it is pumped into the pipeline, if it springs a leak, the scary fact is, it could explode.
Experts say a CO2 gas explosion would result in death of any human, livestock or wildlife in the vicinity of the pipeline.
To help preserve landowner’s rights, please visit this website and sign this petition: