Watertown City Council receive update on welfare in Codington County

WATERTOWN, S.D.(KXLG)- While giving the Watertown City Council an update on the current operations of the Codington County Welfare Office, newly formed non-profit Codington Connects, and its website, Welfare Director Sara Foust announced that the emergency transitional housing project, 612 Flats, will be operational this week.

Foust says there’s a waiting list of people and talks more about how the 612 Flats project came together.

Foust says Social Services cannot make the necessary changes independently, which takes a Community effort like this.

The Codington Connects website has lots of information.

Councilman Dan Schutte wanted to ensure the specifics of the 612 Flats were clarified.

Mayor Ried Holien also called attention to Foust.

Holien continues that due to Foust’s work with the nearly “90” various organizations within the community, the “wheel” has progressed forward.