Watertown School Board approve bid for their Athletic Complex

WATERTOWN, S.D.(KXLG)- Last week, in a special meeting the School Board conducted, they approved a bid for the next and final phase of the Athletic Complex for $11,381,370.

The bid includes a 5% construction contingency for $541,970, and the offer was approved for Hasslan Construction.

Watertown School District Superintendent Dr. Jeff Danielsen was in the studio to explain more.

A new entrance will be completed, facing the South, with some handicapped parking that will be available right near the complex, so handicapped patrons don’t have to cross 3rd Avenue Northeast.

Dr. Danielsen says it’s expected to start construction on this phase in the Spring of 2024.

The original proposal had concession restrooms under the home bleachers.

Dr. Danielsen says it “ultimately” saves the District’s expenses as there is no phase three of the construction process. The initial bid was received at $405 per square foot and included 8,700 square feet of built space, whereas the re-bid was accepted at $347 per square foot and included 12,400 square feet of built space.

The approval of the portion of this project won’t affect the taxpayers.

Arrow Education Foundation is also raising funds for the complex, the “Arrow Nation Donation” fund, with a goal of $250,000.

The School Board accepted the bid with a unanimous vote.