PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio.com) – The state reported 3 new COVID-related deaths, while active cases decreased & hospitalizations increased, according to figures released by the South Dakota Department of Health. The death total currently at 3,017. The state had 956 new cases and 997 recoveries, decreasing active infections to 709. Those hospitalized in connection with the virus… Read more »
News Year: 2022
Sioux Falls mayor talks about crime in the city
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(WNAX)- Officials from Sioux Falls and Minnehaha County held a news conference Monday to highlight crimes and criminals. Mayor Paul TenHaken says guns are showing up in more incidents. TenHaken says they have more people on parole from prison in the area. TenHaken says he is concerned with the drive to legalize recreational… Read more »
Group formed to counter the development of co2 pipelines
OMAHA, N.E.(WNAX)- A group called the “South Dakota Easement Team” has been formed to counter the development of underground liquid carbon dioxide pipelines. Spokesman Brian Jordre says he has been involved in pipeline battles for years. Jordre says Summit Carbon Solutions, the company planning the pipeline across eastern South Dakota, is attempting to intimidate landowners.… Read more »
Congressman Johnson talks what House Republician will try to do if they take over in 2023
WASHINTON, D.C.(WNAX)- Republican Members of Congress have been pointing to excessive federal spending as a root cause of inflation. South Dakota Congressman Dusty Johnson says if republicans regain control of Congress in November, cutting spending will be a priority. Johnson says the majority of the federal budget is on autopilot. Johnson says both Social Security… Read more »
Hughes County Commission dealing with a four million dollar shortfall
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- Hughes County is looking at major cuts to make up for a four-million dollar shortfall as Commissioners continue to piece together a budget for 2023. Commission Chair Randy Brown says he thinks they can get more revenue from the Hughes County Jail. Brown says even a 20-percent across-the-board cut in county services wouldn’t… Read more »
Aberdeen City Manager Joe Gaa talks about the city budget passed by the council Monday
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- This past Monday the Aberdeen City Council passed the 84.7 million dollar budget for 2023. Aberdeen City Manager Joe Gaa discussed what’s all included in the budget. Gaa talked about how the process came about. Gaa discussed the promotions fund that apart of the budget. The big difference between this budget and last… Read more »
Recap of the fourth summer study dealing with regional jails & correctional facilities held in Pierre
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The summer study dealing with regional jails & correctional facilities held its fourth meeting on Tuesday in Pierre. Let’s hear from people within our region talking about what happened. Brown County & Aberdeen lobbyist Julie Johnson talks about ways the city is trying to be creative with regards to our jail. Johnson talks… Read more »
Mayor of Mobridge talks about putting in a new jail at summer study on regional jails
PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The summer study on regional jails & correctional facilities met Tuesday at Pierre. Among the topics today is the potential for a new regional in Mobridge. Mobridge mayor Gene Cox talks about Mobridge being a hub for north central South Dakota. Cox talks about other counties expressing interest in putting a jail in… Read more »
Flow-testing fire hydrants from 6th Ave North to 15th Ave N between 5th & Dakota Street
ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Beginning at approximately 8am on Wednesday, September 21, 2022, weather permitting the Aberdeen Fire Department will begin flow-testing fire hydrants in the following area: From 6th Avenue S North to 15tth Ave N between 5th & Dakota St. The fire department will be opening hydrants and residents will experience some water pressure… Read more »
Northern sees growth in headcount, retention, graduate students
ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release) – This fall, Northern State University saw growth in overall student headcount, an increase in graduate student numbers and a higher student retention rate—and the university welcomed its most academically prepared freshman class in over 20 years. Northern’s fall 2022 headcount is 3,344 students, compared to 3,340 in fall 2021, according to… Read more »