News Category: KSDN News

Court expedites Life Defense Funds’s Case, adds Secretary of State

SOUTH DAKOTA(Press Release) – The South Dakota Circuit Court signed an order to expedite Life Defense Fund (LDF)’s case – Life Defense Fund and Leslee Unruh vs. Dakotans for Health – so that the case is determined before ballot measures are published in South Dakota newspapers. The court also joined the Secretary of State as a party to the case,… Read more »

Court expedites Life Defense Funds’s Case, adds Secretary of State

SOUTH DAKOTA(Press Release) – The South Dakota Circuit Court signed an order to expedite Life Defense Fund (LDF)’s case – Life Defense Fund and Leslee Unruh vs. Dakotans for Health – so that the case is determined before ballot measures are published in South Dakota newspapers. The court also joined the Secretary of State as a party to the case,… Read more »

Hell on Wheels’ Is Coming to Aberdeen Wednesday

(Press Release) What:            Visitors on their way into the Brown County Fair are in for an earful on Wednesday, when “Hell on Wheels”—PETA’s life-size, hyperrealistic chicken transport truck covered with images of real chickens crammed into crates on their way to slaughter—will bombard them with actual recorded sounds of the birds’ cries along with… Read more »

Hell on Wheels’ Is Coming to Aberdeen Wednesday

(Press Release) What:            Visitors on their way into the Brown County Fair are in for an earful on Wednesday, when “Hell on Wheels”—PETA’s life-size, hyperrealistic chicken transport truck covered with images of real chickens crammed into crates on their way to slaughter—will bombard them with actual recorded sounds of the birds’ cries along with… Read more »

Summer study on property taxes to meet Tuesday

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- Is it just a review of procedures, or could we see property tax cuts in South Dakota? Sioux Falls City Councilor David Barranco (buh-RANK-oh) is keeping close tabs on a Legislative Committee that studying the issue. That committee meets again Tuesday. Barranco has high hopes property tax payers will see some relief.… Read more »

Summer study on property taxes to meet Tuesday

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- Is it just a review of procedures, or could we see property tax cuts in South Dakota? Sioux Falls City Councilor David Barranco (buh-RANK-oh) is keeping close tabs on a Legislative Committee that studying the issue. That committee meets again Tuesday. Barranco has high hopes property tax payers will see some relief.… Read more »

Childcare crisis hits home in Codington County

WATERTOWN, S.D.(Press Release)- At last week’s Codington County Commissioner meeting, Sara Foust, the Codington County Community Service Director, shed light on the pressing issue of childcare in the community. With working parents struggling to find affordable and accessible childcare options, the county faces a significant challenge. Foust explains more to the Commissioners. Foust shares some… Read more »

Childcare crisis hits home in Codington County

WATERTOWN, S.D.(Press Release)- At last week’s Codington County Commissioner meeting, Sara Foust, the Codington County Community Service Director, shed light on the pressing issue of childcare in the community. With working parents struggling to find affordable and accessible childcare options, the county faces a significant challenge. Foust explains more to the Commissioners. Foust shares some… Read more »

75th Sturgis Rally Preparations

Race planned for Sunday in Sturgis in jeopardy because of weather

STURGIS, S.D.(KBHB) – The Sturgis City Council will need to meet in special session Saturday because the threat of rain may postpone Sunday’s inaugural Sturgis TT flat track race. Sturgis Director of Communications of Deb Holland says in their final contract with A.F.T. Events, Monday was designated as rain date should Sunday’s races get rained… Read more »

Race planned for Sunday in Sturgis in jeopardy because of weather

75th Sturgis Rally Preparations

STURGIS, S.D.(KBHB) – The Sturgis City Council will need to meet in special session Saturday because the threat of rain may postpone Sunday’s inaugural Sturgis TT flat track race. Sturgis Director of Communications of Deb Holland says in their final contract with A.F.T. Events, Monday was designated as rain date should Sunday’s races get rained… Read more »

Wildfire risk in South Dakota

MITCHELL, S.D.(KMIT)- It’ summer, hot and despite a wet June the danger of fire is high.  Patty Cormeir (Core-meyer) Director of the Maine Forest Service talks about the danger of wildfires across the country, including those caused from farm machinery here in South Dakota. Wildfires have consequences that go beyond the threat to people and… Read more »

Wildfire risk in South Dakota

MITCHELL, S.D.(KMIT)- It’ summer, hot and despite a wet June the danger of fire is high.  Patty Cormeir (Core-meyer) Director of the Maine Forest Service talks about the danger of wildfires across the country, including those caused from farm machinery here in South Dakota. Wildfires have consequences that go beyond the threat to people and… Read more »

Smokey the Bear turns 80 this year

MITCHELL, S.D.(KMIT)- The wildfire prevention campaign was authorized on August 9, 1944, but Smokey the Bear wasn’t revealed to the public until October 10 of that year when artist Albert Staehle (Stay- lee) unveiled his rendition of the character.  Vice President of the Ad Council Tracy Danicich (Dan-e-chich) explains: While the character of a bear… Read more »

Smokey the Bear turns 80 this year

MITCHELL, S.D.(KMIT)- The wildfire prevention campaign was authorized on August 9, 1944, but Smokey the Bear wasn’t revealed to the public until October 10 of that year when artist Albert Staehle (Stay- lee) unveiled his rendition of the character.  Vice President of the Ad Council Tracy Danicich (Dan-e-chich) explains: While the character of a bear… Read more »

Jim Thares comment on BID District tax ordinance passed by the Aberdeen City Council

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Friday, Aberdeen businessman Jim Thares released a comments in response to Toby Doeden’s take on the Aberdeen City Council passing the first reading of a BID Tax increase.  The rate would go up from four to six cents per square foot with $25,000 coming from the city. Thares talks about his stance… Read more »

Jim Thares comment on BID District tax ordinance passed by the Aberdeen City Council

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Friday, Aberdeen businessman Jim Thares released a comments in response to Toby Doeden’s take on the Aberdeen City Council passing the first reading of a BID Tax increase.  The rate would go up from four to six cents per square foot with $25,000 coming from the city. Thares talks about his stance… Read more »

Aberdeen, SD city-wide ground spray for mosquitoes scheduled for Sunday, August 11th

ABERDEEN, S.D. (Press Release) The Mosquito Control division of the City of Aberdeen will be conducting a city-wide ground spray for mosquitoes on Sunday, August 11th between the hours of 8:30 PM and 12:30 AM. Mosquito Control surveillance program has identified West Nile Virus in Aberdeen as well as a high number of the Culex species which… Read more »

Aberdeen, SD city-wide ground spray for mosquitoes scheduled for Sunday, August 11th

ABERDEEN, S.D. (Press Release) The Mosquito Control division of the City of Aberdeen will be conducting a city-wide ground spray for mosquitoes on Sunday, August 11th between the hours of 8:30 PM and 12:30 AM. Mosquito Control surveillance program has identified West Nile Virus in Aberdeen as well as a high number of the Culex species which… Read more »

Aberdeen Aquatic Center changing hours starting Monday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- The Aberdeen Aquatic Center will be closing daily at 6pm beginning this Monday, August 12th through the remainder of the season, which concludes on Sunday, August 18th at 5pm.  For further information, contact the Aberdeen Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Office at (605) 626-7015.

Aberdeen Aquatic Center changing hours starting Monday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- The Aberdeen Aquatic Center will be closing daily at 6pm beginning this Monday, August 12th through the remainder of the season, which concludes on Sunday, August 18th at 5pm.  For further information, contact the Aberdeen Parks, Recreation, & Forestry Office at (605) 626-7015.