WATERTOWN, S.D.(Press Release) – Haven Center, a non-profit early pregnancy medical facility, is now open in Watertown. “It’s been a long road to get here, but we are so very grateful to finally have our doors open” Valerie Fast, President of Haven Center Board of Directors said! Located at 611 6th St SE in Watertown, Haven Center… Read more »
News Category: KSDN News
Bankers in Mid-America region remain pessimistic
OMAHA, N.E.(KELO)- Creighton University’s monthly Rural Mainstreet Index is in negative territory for the sixth straight month. Economist, Dr. Ernie Goss, says the survey shows community bankers concerned about future months. Higher interest rates, weak commodity prices and a credit squeeze are the major headwinds to the economy. South Dakota is one of the few… Read more »
DEA launch new campaign “Make Every Day Take Back Day”
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- You could be key to preventing family members from falling into drug addiction. The U-S Drug Enforcement Administration is launching a new campaign…”Make Every Day Take Back Day”. Regional DEA Public Information Officer Emily Murray says it’s a way to expand the successful spring and fall Take Back Day program. The idea… Read more »
Governor Noem signs E15 Fuel Tax Refund into law
PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release)- On Thursday, Governor Kristi Noem held a bill signing ceremony for SB 78, which provides for an E15 fuel tax refund. “Renewable fuels are a very important part of America’s all-of-the-above energy supply, and ethanol is vital to South Dakota’s future. The Biden Administration’s policies have driven gas prices up for South… Read more »
Senate Commerce & Energy Committee passes SB201(Government overriding city/county ordinances)
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Thursday, the South Dakota Senate Commerce & Energy Committee heard testimony on SB201. the bill would provide new statutory requirements for regulating linear transmission facilities, to allow counties to impose a surcharge on certain pipeline companies, and to declare an emergency. The bill’s main sponsor is Senate Majority Leader Casey Crabtree. Crabtree… Read more »
This week is Random Acts of Kindness week
MITCHELL, S.D.(KMIT)- This is Random Acts of Kindness Week, which is a week to celebrate kindness. Brooke Jones is Vice President of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. She explains the scientific evidence regarding acts of kindness. Random Acts of Kindness Week has existed for more than two decades. Jones says she has seen many… Read more »
Toronto woman dead following two vehicle crash in Deuel County
Deuel County, S.D.(Press Release)- A 68-year-old Toronto, SD woman died Wednesday afternoon in a two-vehicle crash in Deuel County. The names of the people involved have not been released pending notification of family members. Preliminary crash information indicates the driver of a 2012 Chevrolet Impala was traveling south on SD 15, lost control on icy… Read more »
Sturgis Mayor Mark Carstensen resigns
Sturgis, S.D. (KELOLAND) — Sturgis held an emergency meeting Wednesdaay in response to the sudden resignation of Mayor Mark Carstensen. He’s stepping down in the middle of his current term, and the council needs to find someone to replace him. News that Mayor Mark Carstensen is stepping down spread through town quickly. “Well, I was… Read more »
South Dakota legislature working on the budget this week
PIERRE, S.D.(KWAT)–The state budget that South Dakota lawmakers set during this year’s session begins to come into focus this week. SenatePresident Lee Schoenbeck of Watertown. Schoenbeck sees two priorities when it comes to putting together the Fiscal Year budget. The budget bill is traditionally one of the last pieces of legislation passed. The main run… Read more »
Improvement being made to Fort Pierre’s Cedar Hill Cemetary
FORT PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- Improvements continue to be made at Fort Pierre’s Cedar Hill Cemetery. Cemetery Board Chair Doug Mortenson says a kiosk that will provide a map of the graves and some history about the cemetery is being built. Mortenson says in some cases, the records of who is buried where weren’t kept up to… Read more »