News Category: KSDN News

SD Secretary of State address election security

PIERRE, S.D.(KELO)- South Dakota takes election security seriously. Those are the words of Secretary of State Monae Johnson, who says South Dakota has built a system that ensures every vote is cast legally and secure. Johnson says the audit ensures the ballots are counted accurately.

SD Secretary of State address election security

PIERRE, S.D.(KELO)- South Dakota takes election security seriously. Those are the words of Secretary of State Monae Johnson, who says South Dakota has built a system that ensures every vote is cast legally and secure. Johnson says the audit ensures the ballots are counted accurately.

District 1 House candidate Steven McCleerey talks about his campaign

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- District 1 House candidate Steven McCleerey(D) of Sisseton is looking to make a return back to the South Dakota Legislature.  McCleerey represented District 1 from 2015-2020. McCleerey discuss his background. McCleerey talks about his motivation to run for the seat. McCleerey discuss his platform for District 1. McCleerey is the only candidate running… Read more »

District 1 House candidate Steven McCleerey talks about his campaign

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- District 1 House candidate Steven McCleerey(D) of Sisseton is looking to make a return back to the South Dakota Legislature.  McCleerey represented District 1 from 2015-2020. McCleerey discuss his background. McCleerey talks about his motivation to run for the seat. McCleerey discuss his platform for District 1. McCleerey is the only candidate running… Read more »

District 1 House candidate Josh Dennert talks about his campaign

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- District 1 House candidate Josh Dennert(L) is running for his first term in the South Dakota Legislature. Dennert tells us more about himself. Dennert describes what it means to be a Libertarian. Dennert discuss what motivated him to run for the seat. Dennert talks about his platform. Dennert talks about what he wants… Read more »

District 1 House candidate Josh Dennert talks about his campaign

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- District 1 House candidate Josh Dennert(L) is running for his first term in the South Dakota Legislature. Dennert tells us more about himself. Dennert describes what it means to be a Libertarian. Dennert discuss what motivated him to run for the seat. Dennert talks about his platform. Dennert talks about what he wants… Read more »

Mid-America economic report for September

OMAHA, N.E.(KELO)- South Dakota’s unemployment rate is low…but the manufacturing economy is showing signs of struggle. In fact, the state’s manufacturing sector turned in one of the weakest performances in the nine state region covered by Creighton University’s monthly Business Conditions Index. Economist, Dr. Ernie Goss says manufacturing jobs are being hit hard. Goss says… Read more »

Mid-America economic report for September

OMAHA, N.E.(KELO)- South Dakota’s unemployment rate is low…but the manufacturing economy is showing signs of struggle. In fact, the state’s manufacturing sector turned in one of the weakest performances in the nine state region covered by Creighton University’s monthly Business Conditions Index. Economist, Dr. Ernie Goss says manufacturing jobs are being hit hard. Goss says… Read more »

Sioux Falls Mayor discuss crime in the city

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- The number of crimes is increasing in Sioux Falls…but the crime rate is not. That’s the main message delivered this morning by Mayor Paul TenHaken in the city’s annual crime report. The city has suffered from a string of homicides over recent months, which has people on edge. But overall, the Mayor… Read more »

Sioux Falls Mayor discuss crime in the city

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- The number of crimes is increasing in Sioux Falls…but the crime rate is not. That’s the main message delivered this morning by Mayor Paul TenHaken in the city’s annual crime report. The city has suffered from a string of homicides over recent months, which has people on edge. But overall, the Mayor… Read more »

Road closed on Wednesday, October 2nd for new storm sewer installation

ABERDEEN, S.D. (Press Release) ROAD CLOSED:  Weather permitting, beginning at 7am on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024, the following road will be closed to thru traffic for new storm sewer installation: 15th Ave. SW from S. 8th St. to S. 9th St.   The road is scheduled to be closed from 7am to 5pm Wednesday thru Friday, October 4th or… Read more »

Road closed on Wednesday, October 2nd for new storm sewer installation

ABERDEEN, S.D. (Press Release) ROAD CLOSED:  Weather permitting, beginning at 7am on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024, the following road will be closed to thru traffic for new storm sewer installation: 15th Ave. SW from S. 8th St. to S. 9th St.   The road is scheduled to be closed from 7am to 5pm Wednesday thru Friday, October 4th or… Read more »

Brown County receive five year plan on their highway projects

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- At Tuesday’s Brown County Commission meeting, the commission receive the five year Highway plan from Brown County Highway Superintendent Dirk Rogers. Brown County Commissioner Duane Sutton detail why the report is required. Rogers unveil those plans at the meeting. 2025:(Estimated cost at around $15 million) Rogers talks about the asphalt work planned for… Read more »

Brown County receive five year plan on their highway projects

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- At Tuesday’s Brown County Commission meeting, the commission receive the five year Highway plan from Brown County Highway Superintendent Dirk Rogers. Brown County Commissioner Duane Sutton detail why the report is required. Rogers unveil those plans at the meeting. 2025:(Estimated cost at around $15 million) Rogers talks about the asphalt work planned for… Read more »

Brown County Commission approve funds for Diversion Reimbursement Incentive

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Brown County Commission received a request Tuesday on funding from the State’s Attorney Office in connection with NSU dealing with Diversion Reimbursement Incentive. Kelsi Vinger, State’s Attorney Grant Coordinator discuss the program and how much funding coming from the state. Vinger request how funding is needed for a work study to be… Read more »

Brown County Commission approve funds for Diversion Reimbursement Incentive

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Brown County Commission received a request Tuesday on funding from the State’s Attorney Office in connection with NSU dealing with Diversion Reimbursement Incentive. Kelsi Vinger, State’s Attorney Grant Coordinator discuss the program and how much funding coming from the state. Vinger request how funding is needed for a work study to be… Read more »

Brown County Commission receive report from Safe Harbor

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- At Tuesday’s Brown County Commission meeting, the commissioners receive a report from Executive Director Gina Karst from Safe Harbor. Karst talks about how money received from the federal government falling short of what they need to do. Karst talks about how many people they served during fiscal year 2024. Karst discuss how the… Read more »

Brown County Commission receive report from Safe Harbor

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- At Tuesday’s Brown County Commission meeting, the commissioners receive a report from Executive Director Gina Karst from Safe Harbor. Karst talks about how money received from the federal government falling short of what they need to do. Karst talks about how many people they served during fiscal year 2024. Karst discuss how the… Read more »

Brown County Commission hear complaint from citizens dealing with smell from beef plant

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Brown County Commission during their open forum Tuesday heard from citizens near the Demkota Beef Plant expressing concerns about the smell coming from there during rendering. Kelly Rositto(Ro-sat-toe) is from Centennial Drive: Rositto express concern that if this doesn’t stop that she maybe forced to move. Rositto realize that the beef plant… Read more »

Brown County Commission hear complaint from citizens dealing with smell from beef plant

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The Brown County Commission during their open forum Tuesday heard from citizens near the Demkota Beef Plant expressing concerns about the smell coming from there during rendering. Kelly Rositto(Ro-sat-toe) is from Centennial Drive: Rositto express concern that if this doesn’t stop that she maybe forced to move. Rositto realize that the beef plant… Read more »