ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Beginning at approximately 10:00 AM, on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, there will be interruptions to the traveling public at the intersection of South Dakota Street and 6th Avenue SE due to work being done on the traffic signals. Traffic will be directed by the police department. Please use an alternate route or use… Read more »
News Category: Local News
Aberdeen Police Department conduct tobacco sting to local businesses
ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Last Thursday night, the Aberdeen Police Department conducted tobacco/nicotine product stings in Aberdeen. Unfortunately, 4 of the 6 businesses tested, failed and sold to an individual under the age of 21. The individuals at each business that completed the sale were issued a citation for selling to someone under 21. A violation… Read more »
Former head of PHMSA to tour South Dakota promoting the co2 pipeline
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- Summit Carbon Solutions is gearing up for the battle over carbon capture pipelines in the region. They’ve hired Brigham McCown, a former federal pipeline safety administrator. He says there’s only been one CO-2 pipeline leak in 50-years of operation. McCown will be in Lincoln County Tuesday meeting with a group to work… Read more »
Hanukkah celebrated in Sioux Falls Sunday
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(KELO)- They feel threatened…but South Dakotans of the Jewish faith are united. Hundreds participated in a Menorah lighting at the Empire Mall in Sioux Falls Sunday, in celebration of Hanukkah. Rabbi Mendel Alperowitz (al-PEAR-oh-wits) expressed gratitude for all the non-Jews who expressed their support by participating in the ceremony. Congressman Dusty Johnson challenged… Read more »
District 24 Representative Will Mortenson to seek re-election
FORT PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – Republican Rep. Will Mortenson announced his intention to run for re-election to the state House of Representatives in District 24, which covers central South Dakota. “For the last three years, I brought a common sense, conservative approach to the Legislature,” said Mortenson. “I have worked hard, been willing to take… Read more »
Logan Manhart announce his run for District 1 House
ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Logan Manhart has announce he will run for the South Dakota House seat in District 1. Here’s his official release: Today I wanted to announce my intention to run for the State House in District 1 for the South Dakota legislature in 2024. As a Brown County native, District 1 is my… Read more »
Congressman Johnson address helicopter rides in the Black Hills
WASHINGTON, D.C.(KELO)- A dispute over helicopter rides over Mount Rushmore and the Badlands reaches all the way to Washingon. The National Park Service and the FAA want to shut them down. Mark Schlaefli (SCHLAUGH-lee) of Rushmore Helipters testified in Congress at the invitation of Congressman Dusty Johnson. He says he checked with the leadership at… Read more »
SDSU working on replacing plastic waste
BROOKINGS, S.D.(KELO)- He has a big dream of replacing plastic waste. Dr. Srinivas (SREE-nih-vus) Janaswamy (JAN-uh-swom-ee) of SDSU is making major strides in developing plastic films from biomass like switchgrass, coffee grounds and avacado peels. If his team is successful, petroleum based grocery bags could be on their way out. Janaswamy (JAN-uh-swom-ee) and SDSU students… Read more »
Former Circuit Judge Jon Erickson passed away December 2nd
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- The South Dakota Unified Judicial System announced the passing of long time Third Circuit Judge Jon R, Erickson last week. Erickson started his career at a Chamberlain law firm before serving as a deputy State’s Attorney in Brule County from 1975 to 1980. Erickson also served as an assistant attorney general in South… Read more »
Jackley: Items of interest being analyzed in Rachel Cyriacks case
PIERRE, S.D.(KMIT)- South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley released an update on the search for a Woonsocket woman who went missing ten years ago. Rachel Cyriacks was last known to be traveling to Huron from Woonsocket on November 13th, 2013. Jackley says there was a recent search in Sanborn County as well as interviews with… Read more »