PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- The Study Committee on Property Tax Structure and Tax Burden closed out its work for the interim Thursday with a meeting at the South Dakota State Capitol. The group developed two draft bills; Draft Bills 110 and 111. District 24 Senator Mary Duvall was vice chair of the Committee. Duvall says 110 brought… Read more »
News Category: Local News
Yankton County Ambulance Service dealing with work shortage
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The worker shortage has caught up with the Yankton County Ambulance Service. Senior Paramedic Troy Cowman updated the county commission on their situation this week. Cowman says there have been times they were only able to staff one ambulance. Cowman says they will need to increase their budget to handle the new hires.… Read more »
Freeman schools working with COVID-19 funds
FREEMAN, S.D.(WNAX)- Schools across the country received several rounds of ESSER, or Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds from the federal government in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Jake Tietge, Superintendent at the Freeman Public School District says the challenge is to get them all spent in the right categories. Tietge says they were… Read more »
Governor Kristi Noem talks about ending the grocery tax
PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem spent some time working a register at Lynn’s Dakotamart in Pierre this week as part of her re-election year proposal to repeal the state’s 4.5% sales tax on groceries. Noem says she told republican leadership that she was in favor of the repeal during the 2022 Legislative Session,… Read more »
Sturgis Park Board vote to move ahead with Sturgis Lakeside Adventure Park
STURGIS, S.D.(KBHB) – The Sturgis Park Board unanimously recommended the city of Sturgis move ahead with plans to build the Sturgis Lakeside Adventure Park. The board made its recommendation during its Tuesday night meeting. The Park Board’s recommendation is the latest step in a plan that began a couple years of ago when Sturgis formed… Read more »
Get to know Monae Johnson
ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- Monae Johnson, Republican candidate for South Dakota Secretary of State appeared in Aberdeen to meet with voters in the community. Monae Johnson talks about her background. Johnson talks about her experience working with the Secretary of State’s Office. Johnson talks about her opposition to online voter registration. Johnson explains her platform which focus… Read more »
SD State Railroad Board heard about derailment in Lyman County
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- The Ringneck and Western Railroad, that operates on the former Mitchell to Rapid City or M-R-C line, between Mitchell and Presho updated the South Dakota State Railroad Board on a minor derailment on the line in Lyman County earlier this year. General Manager Ryan Yanez says the September 25th incident did significant damage… Read more »
Road closed for patching on Friday
ABERDEEN, S.D.(Press Release)- Beginning at 8:00am on Friday, October 21st, the following road will be closed to thru traffic for patching: South 9th St. from 13th to 15th Ave SW AND Ash and Plum Lane from 9th to 12th Ave SW The road is expected to remain closed until 1:00 PM; motorists are advised to… Read more »
Former South Dakota Governor Harvey Wollman passed away at 87
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- Former South Dakota Governor Harvey Wollman has died at the age of 87. He was the last democrat to hold the office and served for five months in 1978. He became Governor when former Governor Richard Kneip left to become Ambassador to Singapore. Former democratic legislator and Governor candidate Bernie Hunhoff of Yankton… Read more »
Get to know Libertarian Candidate for U.S. Senate Tamara Lesnar
GRENVILLE, S.D.(WNAX)- There are three candidates running for the US Senate seat from South Dakota. Libertarian candidate Tamara Lesnar of Grenville says she is hearing that people want a change. Lesnar says she is concerned about the fate of families. Lesnar says she would focus on small businesses over large corporations. Incumbent republican Senator John… Read more »