News Category: Local News

Forecast through October for warmer weather and less precipitation

PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- Weather trends are expected to stay pretty stable over the next few weeks, but there are signs of a possible change further out. Darren Clabo, South Dakota Fire Weather Meteorologist, says the next two weeks won’t see much change. Clabo moderated this months North Central Region climate update and said October also looks… Read more »

Forecast through October for warmer weather and less precipitation

PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- Weather trends are expected to stay pretty stable over the next few weeks, but there are signs of a possible change further out. Darren Clabo, South Dakota Fire Weather Meteorologist, says the next two weeks won’t see much change. Clabo moderated this months North Central Region climate update and said October also looks… Read more »

City of Pierre preparing for the upcoming inauguration

PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- Although we don’t yet know who the guest of honor will be, preparations are being made for the inauguration of South Dakota’s Governor in January. Matt and Stephanie Judson are the chairpersons for the event. Matt says the organizing committee is taking care of the details they’re able to do at this point.… Read more »

City of Pierre preparing for the upcoming inauguration

PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- Although we don’t yet know who the guest of honor will be, preparations are being made for the inauguration of South Dakota’s Governor in January. Matt and Stephanie Judson are the chairpersons for the event. Matt says the organizing committee is taking care of the details they’re able to do at this point.… Read more »

Appropriation Committee hears about ways to fund for renovations of the State Capitol

PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- The Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations heard about plans by the Bureau of Administration to reappropriate space for state government in Pierre.  BOA Commissioner Scott Bollinger says one of the easier moves is with the Bureau of Information and Telecommunications or BIT. That move would move staff out of leased space in the… Read more »

Appropriation Committee hears about ways to fund for renovations of the State Capitol

PIERRE, S.D.(DRGNews)- The Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations heard about plans by the Bureau of Administration to reappropriate space for state government in Pierre.  BOA Commissioner Scott Bollinger says one of the easier moves is with the Bureau of Information and Telecommunications or BIT. That move would move staff out of leased space in the… Read more »

Pierre City Council working on plans for next water treatment plant

PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- With the good news this week for Pierre rate payers that water rate increases will end for payment of Pierre’s new drinking water treatment plant, the next questions is when the plant will start pushing treated Missouri River water to customers. Pierre Mayor Steve Harding says it could take up to 60 days… Read more »

Pierre City Council working on plans for next water treatment plant

PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- With the good news this week for Pierre rate payers that water rate increases will end for payment of Pierre’s new drinking water treatment plant, the next questions is when the plant will start pushing treated Missouri River water to customers. Pierre Mayor Steve Harding says it could take up to 60 days… Read more »

Recap of Senator Mike Rounds appearance on CNN “State of the Union”

PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Sunday, Senator Mike Rounds appeared on CNN “State of the Union” to discuss immigration & abortion. Governors from Texas(Greg Abbott) & Florida(Ron Desantis) were sending migrants to Democratic controlled locations like New York City & Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.  Senator Rounds talks about why this is happening. Senator Rounds believe immigration issue… Read more »

Recap of Senator Mike Rounds appearance on CNN “State of the Union”

PIERRE, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Sunday, Senator Mike Rounds appeared on CNN “State of the Union” to discuss immigration & abortion. Governors from Texas(Greg Abbott) & Florida(Ron Desantis) were sending migrants to Democratic controlled locations like New York City & Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.  Senator Rounds talks about why this is happening. Senator Rounds believe immigration issue… Read more »

R-Calf USA are asking citizens to pressure U.S. Congress to pass bill dealing country of origin labeling for meat products

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The American Beef Labeling Act has been introduced in both the U.S. House & Senate in Washington. R-Calf USA Region III President & Director Brett Kenzy talks about the bill. Kenzy talks about how mandatory country of origin labeling(MCOOL) came about. Kenzy compares what’s happening today to what it was back in 2002… Read more »

R-Calf USA are asking citizens to pressure U.S. Congress to pass bill dealing country of origin labeling for meat products

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- The American Beef Labeling Act has been introduced in both the U.S. House & Senate in Washington. R-Calf USA Region III President & Director Brett Kenzy talks about the bill. Kenzy talks about how mandatory country of origin labeling(MCOOL) came about. Kenzy compares what’s happening today to what it was back in 2002… Read more »

Love Your Neighbor Tour making a stop in Aberdeen Wednesday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Wednesday, September 21st, the Love Your Neighbor Tour will be stopping in Aberdeen to promote Amendment D dealing with Medicaid expansion. Sister Teresa Ann Wolf talks about how this group came about. Wolf explains that all religions are welcomed to this group. Wolf talks about why the group is in support of… Read more »

Love Your Neighbor Tour making a stop in Aberdeen Wednesday

ABERDEEN, S.D.(HubCityRadio)- On Wednesday, September 21st, the Love Your Neighbor Tour will be stopping in Aberdeen to promote Amendment D dealing with Medicaid expansion. Sister Teresa Ann Wolf talks about how this group came about. Wolf explains that all religions are welcomed to this group. Wolf talks about why the group is in support of… Read more »

Appropriations Committee looking into pay raises for SD Highway Patrol Troopers

PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- Members of the interim Appropriations Committee of the South Dakota legislature appeared to be puzzled by raises given to state Highway Patrol Troopers. Department of Public Safety Secretary Craig Price said they were losing troopers. Price told the committee they were not getting the applicants they wanted. Department Finance Director Angela Lemieux said… Read more »

Appropriations Committee looking into pay raises for SD Highway Patrol Troopers

PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- Members of the interim Appropriations Committee of the South Dakota legislature appeared to be puzzled by raises given to state Highway Patrol Troopers. Department of Public Safety Secretary Craig Price said they were losing troopers. Price told the committee they were not getting the applicants they wanted. Department Finance Director Angela Lemieux said… Read more »

Recap of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

STURGIS, S.D.(WNAX)- The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally had hundreds of thousands of bikers and visitors again this year, with few incidents. State Director of Emergency Management Tina Titze says the planning for the rally was underway weeks before it started. Titze appeared before the Emergency Response Commission this week. She said they had an effective messaging… Read more »

Recap of Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

STURGIS, S.D.(WNAX)- The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally had hundreds of thousands of bikers and visitors again this year, with few incidents. State Director of Emergency Management Tina Titze says the planning for the rally was underway weeks before it started. Titze appeared before the Emergency Response Commission this week. She said they had an effective messaging… Read more »

SDSU receiving largest grant in school history

BROOKINGS, S.D.(KJJQ)- South Dakota State University is receiving the largest grant in it’s history — up to 80-million dollars as part of the U.S. Department Of Agriculture’s “Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities.” The SDSU grant will focus on the sustainable production of beef and bison. Kristi Cammack is director of the West River Agricultural Center and… Read more »

SDSU receiving largest grant in school history

BROOKINGS, S.D.(KJJQ)- South Dakota State University is receiving the largest grant in it’s history — up to 80-million dollars as part of the U.S. Department Of Agriculture’s “Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities.” The SDSU grant will focus on the sustainable production of beef and bison. Kristi Cammack is director of the West River Agricultural Center and… Read more »