PIERRE, S.D.(WNAX)- The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission approved a plan from Northwestern Energy to change their corporate structure. Northwestern Company Secretary Tim Olson says they are separating some of their operations. Olson says there will be no changes apparent to their customers. Commissioner Kristie Fiegen says it is a positive move. The commission voted… Read more »
News Category: Local News
Watertown City Council decide “Construction Manager at Risk”
WATERTOWN, S.D.(KXLG)- At this week’s City Council meeting, up for approval was choosing a “Construction Manager at Risk” (CMAR) Public Works Director Heath VonEye starts off the discussion. VonEye goes over the proposals received. Councilman Tupper mentions RJM was “heavily vetted in this process; they definitely stood up and above the rest.” Councilman Paulsen had… Read more »
Preview of convention with the Associated School Boards & Schoool Administrators of South Dakota
SIOUX FALLS, S.D.(WNAX)- The joint convention of the Associated School Boards and the School Administrators of South Dakota will be held in Sioux Falls this week. School Boards Executive Director Wade Pogany says it’s a good time for educators and administrators to catch up. Pogany says there is a lot of conversations about student well… Read more »
SD Dept of Transportation preparing recharging networks for electric vehicles
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- State transportation officials are beginning to look at rolling out sections of a recharging network for electric vehicles. Mike Behm, Director of Planning and Engineering says the focus for the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure or NEVI Formula is on the state’s interstate system. South Dakota would need 13 charging stations along the interstates… Read more »
Napa to Platte rail line to not operate any time soon
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- The Napa to Platte rail line in southeast South Dakota has not seen regular rail service since the 1980s and that probably won’t change anytime soon. State Transportation Department Secretary Joel Jundt says there isn’t much interest from any potential buyers of that state owned line. Jundt says they do get occasional questions… Read more »
Hughes County, Pierre, & Fort Pierre City Councils approve resolutions for ambulance service
PIERRE, S.D.(KCCR)- The Hughes County Commission and Fort Pierre City Council have approves resolutions of intent to form the Central South Dakota Ambulance District. Fort Pierre Adlerman Scott Deal serves on the current ambulance board and emergency medical care leave Hughes and Stanley County without it. The goal is to put the District on the… Read more »
Rising interest rates cool down the home selling market
YANKTON, S.D.(WNAX)- Rising interest rates have cooled off a red-hot home selling market and one real estate agent says that may not be a bad thing. Mason Schramm with “The Move Group” in Yankton says the whole selling – buying process has slowed down. Schramm says it has been hectic for the past two years.… Read more »
President Biden declare Presidential Disaster Declaration for storms that hit South Dakota in June
PIERRE, S.D.(Press Release) – Governor Kristi Noem announced today that South Dakota has received a Presidential Disaster Declaration that allows the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help South Dakota local governments in six counties statewide recover from public infrastructure damage sustained as a result of a tornado, severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding, and hail that… Read more »
Watertown City Council approve a Flood Control Feasibility Study
WATERTOWN, S.D.(KXLG)- One agenda item, in particular, touched on perhaps a bit of a sensitive subject for some residents, past, present, and maybe even future generations. It’s explained as seeking approval to accept an agreement with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers for a Flood Control Feasibility Study for an estimated $1.8 million. It would… Read more »
Gas prices have gone down over the last month
SOUTH DAKOTA(WNAX)- Gas prices have been slowly fading downward for the past month or so. Shawn Steward with Triple “A” South Dakota says that trend should continue. Steward says they have been tracking the price drops consistently. Steward says world wide events have an impact on gas prices. Triple “A” says the national average is… Read more »